Sunday, 24 December 2017

Song for Sunday - 24th Dec - Come Christmas / River

As it's Christmas here is a double dose of Song for Sunday. Both are seasonally themed to fit; but both aren't of the 'happy, jolly, isn't it a lovely time of year' (well you wouldn't expect anything else). Instead they are reflections on the past and how they come to hit us full force at this time of year.

First up is Steven Taetz and his tale of Christmas wishes to an ex. Which I wholly approve of.

Second we have Michael Arden singing his version of River, the tale of regret and looking to escape past mistakes.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Song for Sunday - 17th Dec - Power of Love

Only a few more Songs for Sunday to go until the end of the year. So I'm rounding out the year with a couple of seasonal choices. This week its a cover of The Power of Love by one on my favourite singers Jack O'Rourke.

The song itself isn't particularly seasonal or in anyway Christmassy, but it was once a hit at Christmas so that makes it seasonal apparently.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Song for Sunday - 10th Dec - Take It Fast

This is the second song from Sam Vance-Law. The song, about a night out and failing to get laid, and by the end of it perhaps not quite able to, is another slice of pop storytelling and makes the wait for his album next year just that little bit longer.