Sunday, 24 September 2017

Song for Sunday - 24th Sep - Thought I Was Meant For You

This one is included not so much for the singer but for the video and the mighty fine song.

The song itself - Thought I Was Meant For You by Nell Bryden - is a perfect song for a Sunday morning. The video, a beautiful tale of two older guys, brings a new slant to the song and creates some happy-sad vibes. So make sure to watch and listen.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Song For Sunday - 17th Sep - Lie To Me

This is where it all started.  Years ago I watched a movie and I was awestruck. It was a movie with a working class protagonist. It was a gay romance movie. It was a movie with a brilliant soundtrack. It is the benchmark by which I judge all other M/M stories, (It was also a movie with handsome lead characters, but that's by the by).

So, if you've never seen the movie Shelter then I urge you to rectify that mistake immediately,

From that moment on I looked for stories - in any kind of media - with men falling in love and overcoming their circumstances to make that love happen. This song is all about that, all about denial, truth and making it happen regardless.

It's all about making that significant step. You can lie to me and offer me some dishonesty to make me believe in love and i'll accept that. Lie To Me by Shane Mack will always be one of my favourite Songs for Sunday.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Song for Sunday - 10th Sep - Night After Night

Matthew Connor takes an 'electric crooner' approach to music and this song - Night After Night - works well in that style. Night After Night is a synth pop dream, one where the dreamer is stuck, alone, and with intrusions from the city around him begins wondering what could have or should have been.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Song for Sunday - 2nd Sep - Prettyboy

I've not heard of Canadian singer Sam Vance-Law before, but after hearing this I'll be paying attention when his album comes out next year. The album - Homotopia - will put issues of equality front and centre, and explore how empathy and compassion can and should be our first response to someone.

In the meantime Prettyboy is a perfect Song for Sunday and has a fun video to go along with it.